hotel resort  
  apartment buildings  
  aged care  
  schools universities  
  nightclubs restaurants  


The Intricacies

The intricacies of restorations demand specialist craftsman/tradesmen and a pricing and job management structure that will assure the integrity and protection of heritage listed buildings, furniture and original fixtures.

Tasklake has undertaken and completed some of Australia's finest heritage buildings, which now stand as shining examples of historic Australian architecture for future generations.

A 'Bill Of Rates' Is Struck

Tasklake has developed a specific management plan to document/chart each restoration piece. This process is undertaken to ensure the accurate description and classification of each custom improvement needed to return each item to its former glory. A 'bill of rates' is struck to enable an agreed pricing structure between both parties.


Restoration work can be performed on-site and or at Tasklake's factory.

Projects completed to date:

  • Treasury Casino, Brisbane, Australia
  • McTaggart-Teneriffe Wharf, Brisbane
  • Queen Adelaide Building, Brisbane
  • Wacol Hospital

Proactive management commitment to coordinate and liaise with architects and developers to resolve any ongoing design issues as they happen.

Each project will have an appointed team to ensure the smooth management of the project:

  • Contract Administrator/Manager

    • Works directly with developer/on-site construction management team and architect


  • Estimator

    • The pricing of tender documents and ongoing variations throughout the project


  • Purchasing Officer

    • Task lake's full-time purchasing officer will ensure the best possible buying power and delivery time on all goods required


  • Production Manager

    • Will coordinate the job from computer to workshop to assembly to meet the on-site installation schedules




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